Sunday, 27 April 2008


so here we are now in Novosibirsk. We arrived last night after midnight after a pretty relaxing train journey. I just tried to sleep as much as possible. It was a 4 berth so we had the company of a little girl names christina and her mum. They were in a family group next door and mostly hung out there so we hardly saw them. Since we took one of the scummier trains there were no western travellers and not a word of English to be seen or spoken. I managed to buy a few beers from the babushkas on the platform who are there at just about every stop selling anything from beer to random vases and light fittings.

We were a little bit naughty last night as there are no hostels in this city and after our last soviet experience we have checked into the best hotel in town. Its pretty easy to talk them down to cheaper rooms which makes it a little more economical but even better as technically we had arrived on Sunday (only by 15 minutes) this means that we only pay for one night instead of two. I like this idea. I liked it so much that we went and spend half the price of the room on the bar. This hotel is amazing. I have never stayed in a place its own strip club before. And its open from 10pm till 8am! You could have breakfast and then a lapdance.

We are going to try really hard to find a decent internet cafe and upload some stuff today so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't care to name this hotel, would you? It sounds like useful information...

Jace said...

timmy. I think I should protect you from yourself in this instance.