Sunday, 27 April 2008

Now I wish i brought my bloody laptop!

Seems these russians don't want me plugging my camera into their computers at their "internet club". They don'teven have enough english skill for me to explain what i want to do the heathens. It's not all bad news though.we had a lovely breakfast of bacon, eggs and chips at an american dinner smack in the middle of communist concrete. We sorted out our train to Irkutsk and will leave tomorrow night. This leaves quite a bit of time to go check out the bars in this crazy town.

I have so many photos and a nice video to show you! Oh dear...

Before i go....let me say this in the most subtle way i possibly can.

If you like girls - Then you will like russia.


yeled said...

jason jason jason..

Jace said...

I know. We should have stayed in the cheaper hotel.