We made a little friend called Lily who was in Shanghai for a job interview with Emirates Airways. She helped us out a lot with translations when we went to buy tickets for the train and also when i was going to banks tryng to get cash for the camera etc. So we took her out to dinner...rather she took us to Chinese Hot Pot!
Quite an experience. You order a shit load of food (or rather Lily did as there is no english menu) and then cook it in a pot that is heated at your table. You are cooking in a kind of spicy stock i guess is the best way to describe it.
We tried a couple of delicacies which you can see photos of. Ducks Tongue and Ducks Blood. Absolutely delightful!
We were the only round eyes there which made it even better.
Nice haircut :))))
Was the haircut because its's 'hot'?
did it burn all your hair off? (now I see I am not original with this observation).
har har!
Its just one less thing to worry about. I know I'm pretty with or without hair.
I own the copyright on that haircut, Jace :) (You're almost as cute as Mr. Cameltoe...)
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